Global Talent Visa | Advantage Solicitors



Global Talent Visa

Global Talent Visa

The Global Talent visa is a UK immigration category for talented and promising people in specific sectors such as sciences, humanities, engineering, arts, and technology, wishing to work in the UK.

The Global Talent visa replaced the Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) visa category in the month of February in 2020. The Global Talent visa is an immigration category which leads to settlement after 3 years if you have been considered a Talented candidate or 5 years if you have been considered a Promise candidate. Upon completing your settlement application, and the required residency period in the UK you may be able to apply for British Citizenship.

What are the Eligibility Requirements for a Global Talent visa?

• An individual seeking to come to the UK on the Global Talent route must comply with the below two stages: Apply for an endorsement, and
• Apply for the Global Talent visa upon the receipt of the endorsement.

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