Cycling Accident Claims | Advantage Solicitors



Cycling Accident Claims


If you have been involved in a cycling accident call our team of lawyers for a free initial assessment. At the outset of your case we will consider whether a claim for compensation is likely to succeed, this is assessed on a balance of probabilities that the other party was at fault and their fault caused the accident then the claim will succeed. You are expected to provide a detailed account of your cycling accident, if you are unable to do so then we need to gather evidence such as a police report, witness statements, CCTV footage, accident investigation and any other evidence that arises. This information can aid is establishing liability and in pursuing your claim with the other parties’ insurers and seeking an early admission of liability.

As your lawyers we will be following a protocol together with the third party insurers which has short time limits to deal with the exchange of initial information and which is based on resolving issues on the liability in the initial weeks after the claim is brought.

What is my claim worth?

As with other personal injury claims we are unable to say exactly what the value of your compensation will be, however we can make an assessment and provide you with an estimate once we have taken into account the following:

  • Severity of your injuries
  • Time taken to recover from the accident
  • Cost of medical care and rehabilitation
  • Damages value of your bike and possessions e.g. helmets, clothes and mobile phone
  • Financial impact the injuries have on your day to day life.
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