Personal Injury Fees | Advantage Solicitors



Personal Injury Fees


At Advantage Solicitor, the majority of our personal injury claims are based on a “conditional fee agreement” known as No win no fee. This means that there is no financial risk to the client if they have suffered an injury following someone else negligence. Our no win no fee lawyers deal with thousands of successful personal injuries claims each year.

What is a No Win No Fee?

No win no fee agreement (also known as a conditional fee agreement) allows an injured person to claim for compensation with no financial risks and without paying solicitors fees upfront. In the event that your claim is unsuccessful you are not expected to pay any legal fees either to your solicitors or to the opponent solicitors.

How does a no win no fee claim work?

At the outset we enter into a no win no fee agreement, providing you agree, and take out an insurance policy on your behalf. The policy protects you if your claim is unsuccessful and even then your opponents will pay most of your legal costs. If in the event that there are remaining costs these can be deducted from your compensation settlement. However, as Advantage Solicitors we value transparency between us and our clients and therefore we will endeavour to advise you of any deductions in advance and there will not be any surprises.

What Personal Injury claims can you make under a no win no fee agreement?

A no win no fee agreement can be used for the following areas of personal injury:

  • Clinical Negligence
  • Serious Injury
  • Road Traffic Accidents
  • Accidents or illness abroad
  • Accident at work
  • Accident in public places
  • Cyclist accidents
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