Serious Injury Claims | Advantage Solicitors



Serious Injury Claims


What is a Serious Injury Claim?

A serious injury is not defined but it is usually any serious or catastrophic injury that requires surgery and an extended stay in hospital, one that affects the ability of the individual from returning to normal work life and cannot live life independently. In some instances, a serious injury can lead to death. Serious injury claims may be suffered as a result of a cycling accident, accident at work, road traffic accident ,a sports injury or medical negligence cases

Serious injury claims are complex and generally have long-term effects and take a long time to resolve. The injured person usually changes jobs or may not be able to work at all due to the serious injury suffered as a result of an incident, accident or life changing event. As a result, persons suffering from a serious injury tend to require adaptations to be made at work and at home to ensure the environment is suitable for the individual.

What constitutes a serious injury?

Serious injury is one that requires surgery and extended stay in hospital and as a result of the incident the individual is no longer able to live an independent life. The injury is such that leads to death within 30 days or more following the accident.

At Advantage Solicitors we have an experienced team of lawyers who have dealt with the following serious injuries:

  • Head and Brain Injury
  • Amputation and Limb damage
  • Spinal injuries
  • Fatal Injuries

How can you make a claim for a serious injury?

If you or someone you know has suffered a life changing injury that was not your fault, then please contact our team who will assess whether you have a potential claim. At the outset we will explain your rights and how we will proceed with your claim outlining the process in detail. We will always ensure you are clear about our procedures and if there are any questions, we are always here to answer them.

How will my serious injury claim be funded?

Your serious injury matter will be dealt with under a no win no fee agreement also known as a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). This is a contract between you and your no win no fee personal injury solicitors. In essence the no win no fee agreement will protect you from financial risks when making a personal injury claim.

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